Everyone wants to run their campaigns in a right way to reach the right audience. Do you want to reach the right people with their physical address? Yes, it’s possible to combining Facebook Ads Enhance with Direct Mail Campaign

Facebook ads with direct mail?

Here, I am going to discuss, how to create multi channel marketing campaign using Facebook ads and direct mails.

1-) Collect your mailing data for upload into Facebook:

In direct mail, mailing data is most important in Facebook marketing. With the help of this mailing data, you can show Facebook ads to mail recipient who are also Facebook user. Through this, you can target potential customers for your business.

Upload mailing data on Facebook

Prepare mailing data by creating CSV file for import into Facebook Business Manager or Ads Manager. Because of, you are working with mailing list, you should have the names & zip codes, however the more data you have. You can create a CSV file into Excel and include a header for each data point you have.

2: Create a Facebook Custom Audience Based on Data:

After complete your mailing data CSV, use it to create a custom audience. Open Ads Manager or Business Manager in facebook. Now open the Audiences tool, that you might find by clicking in the Frequently Used column, or by All Tools and then click on Assets. 

Facebook Custom Audience

After setup your audience, follow these steps:

Click Create Audience -> select Custom Audience from the drop-down list->In the pop-up window, choose Customer File.

When you’re asked for source, select Add Customers From Your Own File.

Next, your work is to prepare to upload data. First, select the CSV file of mailing data to tell the Facebook to upload. After that, field mapping window show. This allows you to locate the column headers in your CSV file in the data categories that are used by the Ad Manager or Business Manager. Now, make sure that Facebook recognizes and maps the fields you want to use to create your audience.


Follow the instructions through the download process to test (safely download) your data and start processing your audience file. You are now ready to start building the campaign. Depending on the size of your import data, your audience's development may be long enough for Facebook.

3-) Set Up  Landing Pages for Direct Mail and Facebook Ads:

To Combine direct mail to Facebook Page, there are needed two landing pages on your website: one for the mailing and another for the Facebook ads. With two different destinations, you can measure the response to both media (without the settings that require you to place a confusing URL in your direct mail ad).

To expose your ads or collect relevant data for your ads, it’s important to include conversion points on your landing page. Conversion point might be watching a video, download a coupon, or making a purchase online. These conversion points helpful to understand audience behaviors from the two media (direct mail and Facebook ads.)

4: Segment Custom Audiences for Facebook Remarketing:

Once you've set up your landing pages, you can refine your targeting to high-value segments from your primary mailing list, ie those who have visited one of these landing pages but have not responded to your conversion point by viewing the video, downloading the coupon, or what you asked them to do.


To target these segments, create two more custom audiences. A target audience is the "abandoned chargers", or those who responded to their broadcast offer, but left the action on the landing page. The other audience is "abandoned Facebook users," or those who responded to their Facebook ads, but left the landing page before taking action.


The process of creating these hearings is similar to creating the first hearing. Return to the Audiences tool in the Ad Manager or Business Manager. You want to base each new audience on website traffic and set audience settings for people who visit certain websites, but not others.


You can then specify which pages to include and exclude. In the Include section, select the landing page URL. In the Exclude section, you can specify a URL or a custom event.

If people see a thank-you page after conversion, select the URL for the thank-you page. Use the custom event option instead of the thank page URL if your conversion point is non-transactional. For example, instead of making an online purchase or filling out a form, you want users to download a coupon or watch a video.


After configuring each remarketing audience setting, give your personalized audience a name and click Create a Hearing.

5: Coordinate the Timing of Your Direct Mail and Facebook Ads:

Sender sequence synchronization and Facebook ads are important. Once the shippers arrive home, the recipients need time to get a "print", then respond, drop off or have enough reminder, so when they start receiving Facebook ads, they are more likely to respond because the Facebook ad does not it's your first interaction with your campaign.


Much of the delivery window for direct mail is order authoritatively by the postage you pay and the destination. After delivering your shippers to the shipping establishment, allow 1-2 weeks for delivery to residences, response or abandonment. Then launch your Facebook ads. If you're planning campaigns with multiple email outputs, turn off the option to remove and update your creative.

6: Align Creative to Your Audience:

Before starting your campaign, you must take another step: creative! Campaign elements should look similar in direct mail, landing page, and Facebook ads. These consistency aids recall and increase the points of contact between the channels.

Make sure the content is relevant to each of your 3 audiences:


Those who haven’t visited the landing page but may have taken a brief your mailing

Those who visited your landing page but didn’t convert

Those who visited your landing page and converted

7: Launch Your Campaign and Monitor Performance:

The last step is to upload your creative and activate your campaign. Watch how often each ad is served and how your ads are triggered from conversion to conversion.

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